DublinTown Gift Voucher

Why not give the gift of the full Dublin City Centre experience! With a DublinTown gift voucher you get all of the restaurant, cafes and bars who accept Dine in Dublin Gift Vouchers included but with the benefit of additional shops, hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons as well giving so much choice! Buy a DublinTown gift card for an amount of your choosing. Send it as a gift to someone special, or treat yourself instead

Select your desired collection location, our team will prepare your order and you will receive a notification when it is ready for collection.

Pool money from multiple contributors.

1. Dine in Dublin Gift or DublinTown Vouchers are only valid at participating businesses listed on DineinDublinvouchers.ie or DublinTownvouchers.ie only and no other websites. See where to redeem on the website for participating businesses. 2. You must present the gift voucher in the establishment upon arrival. 3. Gift Vouchers cannot be extended, are non-transferable and non-refundable. 4. If making a reservation/booking in advance please notify the business of your intent to use a voucher. 5. Your voucher code is unique to you, it is your responsibility to not disclose this code to others. 6. All bookings are subject to availability and change. 7. Gift Vouchers are valid from the date of purchase until the expiry date. 8. It is solely up to the customer to ensure that the voucher is redeemed within the valid period. 9. A participating business cannot assign the voucher to a specific menu / deal/offer. The voucher is equal to cash and should be treated as such. 10. Once a customer has chosen a participating business and attends the business to use their voucher, they are the sole responsibility of that business and not the responsibility of the DublinTown (BID) Company.